About Us
Million Mama is a lifestyle brand that makes every woman feel like a million dollars. Our garments are hand selected by Jenadine Havenga who firmly doesn’t believe in fashion, because style never goes out of fashion.
The essence of Million Mama is to celebrate every woman’s body while she is striving to become better.
The name Million Mama means style and these garments give a woman status whilst allowing her to know where she is at and what she wants in life.
Million Mama is for the women who set goals and accomplish them. It’s not about perfection, but rather about purpose.
The world will see you how you see yourself , and treat you the way you treat yourself.
Every girl is worth a million.

About Jenadine Havenga
Jenadine Havenga is a South African Fitness Celebrity that has achieved much success through international fitness pageants and has achieved aspirational status through helping and guiding other fitness moms to achieve their goals.
As an avid style consultant and fashion forecaster for top brands, she has created this website and hand picked each garment to suit women who wish to follow a million mama lifestyle.